has updated its privacy policy, which can be viewed at

What does this mean to you?  If you are a subscriber to the site, you’ll need to accept the new privacy policy’s terms and possibly resubscribe.  The previous subscription method simply allowed you to subscribe with an email address.  Unfortunately, subscribers who receive notifications of newly-posted articles could not be deleted due to the technology that was used for subscribing, even if they asked to be.  With the new privacy standards that take effect shortly, subscribers may unsubscribe on their own, or may contact this site’s administrator to be removed from the subscription list.

This will allow you, as a subscriber to the site, to still receive previews of articles when they are posted, but will also allow site administrators to delete those email addresses that may subscribe for potential spamming purposes and/or those that may be created by bots rather than people in the United States engaged in helping their faith-based schools thrive.

If you would like to resubscribe, please visit and scroll to the bottom of the page to opt-in.

It should also be noted that the blue “Join the Mailing List” button on the front page of the site has also been changed, since that’s the list to subcribe to the DREAM iZine.  Information entered there is stored on which is the software used to generate the iZine, and which has its own privacy policies.

Thanks again for being a subscriber!