Keep Score. Then Analyze It.

In his book, “The Eighth Habit,” author Stephen R. Covey (1932-2012) makes a profound statement: “People play differently when they’re […]

Pay It Forward

Let’s start another round of the five items that comprise Advancement so you can continue to work on each a […]

The Connectedness of Advancement and the Resultant Vortex

Sounds like the title of a Dave Matthews Band album, doesn’t it?  (The Resultant Vortex would be a great name […]

If I Had a Million Dollars (If I Had a Million Dollars)

Remember that song from the group who called themselves Barenaked Ladies? Every time I hear someone mention “a million dollars,” […]

Your School is a Community – NOT a Group of Individuals

The decision to enroll a child in your school is an emotional one.  Logically, school administrators know it is the […]

Lord, Give Me a Sign

If you’ve been a frequent visitor to this Web site, you know that each week’s Advancementality article focuses on one […]

Unintended Consequences of a Need-Based Aid/Cost-Based Tuition Model

While last week’s entry was aimed at Asset Management (one of the five aspects of Advancement), this one deals with […]

Changing Your School’s Tuition Structure

A number of years ago, I adopted a motto: “Nothing is easy; nothing is free.” In Latin – “Nil facile […]

DOUBLE Your School’s Enrollment

This week’s article spotlighting enrollment rounds out another quintet of the five aspects of advancement.  Even though many schools have […]

The 5 M’s of Development Success

Development is a long-term approach to sustainable revenues brought about by the effective engagement of individuals in the mission of […]