Financial Aid Can Be a Powerful Marketing Tool For Your School

Scripture tells us, “To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). You […]

Who Makes Up Your School’s Target Market, and When Do You Start Marketing to Them?

This Marketing Matter is a little different, in that the answer to the question posed above differs depending on which […]

Make Sure Your Web Site Has Landing Pages That Capture Visitor Information

Even though most school leaders know the importance of a Web site today, schools I visit STILL ask how important […]

Five Things To Do During July

This Marketing Matter is being republished with permission from its author, Jodi Dean of Dean School Consulting (from 2011 to […]

Most of Your Constituents Could Get an “F” in Reading

I’ll admit this is a provocative title, but a more “disruptive” one would be, “Who Reads Your School’s Newsletter?”  The […]

Radio Advertising, and The Best Placement For Your School’s Commercials

I need to credit Shalom Christian Academy in Chambersburg, PA with this excellent suggestion.  But, like all excellent ideas, it […]

Is Your School a “Family,” or a “Community” of Learners?

When I started working with Catholic schools, many of them saw marketing as advertising, and wondered where they should spend […]

The Next School Year Begins Today

The 2024-2025 school year starts today.  Sure, I know that the 2023-2024 school year is still in session for many […]

Is Your School a School, an Academy, or an Institute?

And do you know the difference between the terms?  After all, the Chinese proverb states, “The beginning of wisdom is […]

Where Two or Three Are Gathered…

The opening line to “By My Side” from the musical “Godspell” states, “Where are you going? Can you take me […]