July: Market Your School’s Hourly Rate

There are two ways most schools post their tuition on their respective Web sites, and frankly, both ways can turn […]

June: The Tuition/Financial Aid Matrix

While many faith-based high schools have significant alumni support, and have development or advancement directors to coordinate activities designed to […]

May: Balance Your Announced Tuition, Cost of Education, and Market Mindset

Market Mindset?  Cost of Education?  Announced Tuition? What do those phrases mean? After all, this is a school, right? It […]

April: The Importance of Offering Parents Customized Payment Plans

Remember when “swiping” was a bad thing? 20+ years ago, if someone swiped a card, that meant someone didn’t pay […]

March: Collect Your School’s Tuition and Fee Revenue on One Platform

I like looking up quotations on the Internet, just to see to whom they’re attributed.  Both Benjamin Franklin and Charles […]

February: Build Financial Aid and Endowment Funds Into Your School’s Budget

This is the time of the year when schools across the country are preparing, reviewing, and, perhaps, finalizing budgets for […]

January: Charge Tuition Over Nine Months…NOT Ten

Almost every school I visit offers parents a standard monthly tuition payment plan that spans 10 months.  When I ask […]

December: Customers Will Pay for Great “Experiences”

I love visiting with schools, and participating in some lively discussions about how the rising cost of tuition has affected […]

November: Budgeting for Credit Card Fees

For some schools, one of the many benefits of using a tuition management provider is so the school does not […]

October: Stop Charging Late Fees

Over the past 15 years, I’ve spoken to hundreds of school leaders.  During that time, a handful of schools told […]