July: Thinking About Systems, Change, Acronyms, and Preparing the Plan

It’s the first Tuesday of the month, and that means it’s time for this month’s Development Development article. As we […]

June: Usually a Good Time To Ask For Gifts – But These Aren’t Usual Times

As the summer approaches, Development Development articles will shift toward activities of an overall development program. I like to use […]

May.5: A Look In the Rear View Mirror

While sorting through my computer, I found an article I had written several years ago but never posted.  After reviewing […]

May: Increasing Potential Donor Engagement

In last month’s article, I promised to focus on increasing potential donor engagement. Since schools end their fiscal year at […]

April: You Must Ask For Gifts (Which May Upset Others That Do Likewise)

Perhaps your school has started a development core team, and the members have networked with other schools to find out […]

March: Everybody Fundraises – If You Want to Be Distinctive, You Must Advance Toward Development

Last month’s article described the differences between fundraising and development. While fundraising (candy sales, car washes, sales of products, etc.) […]

February: The Difference Between Fundraising and Development

There are two ways of raising money to support your tuition-charging school. The first is development, which is the most […]

January: It’s Time to Change Because Times (and Your Audiences) Have Changed

A new year means some new changes, and, just like last year, the article publication schedule has changed!  While Development […]

December: Transition

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Once you get […]

November: The Importance of the Invitation…and Giving “Thanks”

A national company that works to assist schools and churches with their Development and Stewardship efforts defines Development like this: […]