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Welcome to SchoolAdvancement!
Systems Thinking to Help Schools Form a Firm Financial Foundation
Questions about Advancement, Systems Thinking, or the ARMED Framework for your school?
Questions about Advancement, Systems Thinking, or the ARMED Framework for your school?
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Estimate and Plan For Your 25-26 Enrollment Today!
Estimate and Plan For Your 25-26 Enrollment Today!
Use your school's enrollment data to easily estimate the coming school year's enrollment, and develop a target to help it grow!

Move Your Mindset From Fundraising to Development to Advancement

Linear Thinking is Process-Oriented; Systems Thinking is Systems-Oriented. Your school may have excellent results, but all its systems must be working toward excellence to be sustainable.
A tetrahedron is a commonly called a three-sided pyramid, even though it has four sides. When one side changes, the whole object must adjust to accommodate the change to maintain its shape.
“The DREAM," which was the weekly eNewsletter, was sunsetted at the end of June 2021, but may be coming back via a new site email address and a new editing tool. Subscription will require a "name-specific" email address, such as [email protected]. "Position-specific" email addresses, such as [email protected], will be rejected. Due to changes in the way email permissions and spam filters have changed over the years, as well as GDPR compliance regarding privacy concerns, these policies are now required to maintain a vibrant online community. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
By joining the private SchoolAdvancement Facebook Group, you’ll get alerts on your Facebook feed when articles are published to the site. Visit/click the link to apply to be admitted to the group, and be sure to indicate the school you're affiliated with!

The Need For SchoolAdvancement

At this time in history, fatih-based schools have closed or merged due to rising costs and changing demographics. Schools simply cannot rely on traditional fiscal approaches to fund their ministries.

Conversely, some areas of the country have experienced growing populations, producing a desire for additional faith-based schools. Some of those populations do not have the financial means to pay for large construction projects, and growing communities are put in the same financial conundrum as those that are shrinking.

While school leaders grapple with the changes they're facing, a paradigm has begun to take shape. Isolated successes have been experienced in some areas of the country, while other dioceses, deaneries, parishes and their respective schools, as well as Christian and other faith-based schools, strategize to plan for the future.

Rather than continuing to “reinvent the wheel,” this site's goal is to provide guidance gleaned from schools which have experienced successes, accepting responsibility for achieving not just excellence, but sustainability. In a spirit of community, SchoolAdvancement shares "next" practices, proven strategies, failed experiments and suggestions regarding what to avoid along the path, and, interestingly, how some small "shifts" can have a significant positive impact on the future of a school. Though the curriculum of various faith-based schools may be different, the five elements of Advancement - Asset Management, Retention, Marketing, Enrollment and Development (The ARMED Framework) represent the “business" side of the mission and are essential for every school’s success.

While some school leaders and boards are beholden to the belief that “It’s all about the money,” others have said “It’s all about enrollment.” Actually, “It’s all about all of it!" Your school's customers will evaluate "the experience" of your school based on their expectations of excellence.

Download your FREE copy of "Understanding Advancement: A Systems Thinking Framework for Today's Faith-Based School!"

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Recent Articles


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The Times They Are a Changin’

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The Five People You Need in Your Life

A number of years ago, “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” by Mitch Albom was published.  While this work […]

February: Build Financial Aid and Endowment Funds Into Your School’s Budget

This is the time of the year when schools across the country are preparing, reviewing, and, perhaps, finalizing budgets for […]

Feeling Overwhelmed?

February is seen by the rest of the world as the last full month of Winter.  Ten years ago (2015), […]

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Move Your Mindset From Fundraising to Development to Advancement

Linear Thinking is Process-Oriented; Systems Thinking is Systems-Oriented. Your school may have excellent results, but all its systems must be working toward excellence to be sustainable.


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