It’s All About All Of It

When I began working with school administrators in the early 2000’s, many were lamenting the fact that parents were disenrolling […]

The Five “E-Izits” of Evaluation

Last week, I published an article regarding “The Five Why’s,” and their role in process improvement.  If you delve deeper […]

The 5 Why’s – Determining the Root Cause

If you’ve been a visitor to, you’ll know that according to systems thinking pioneer Peter Senge, a complete system […]

Your School: A System of Systems

Let’s apply some systems thinking to your school, and begin in the classroom, where we learn the importance of “3” […]

Tetrahedronics: Metasystems Thinking (or, Systems Thinking About Systems Thinking)

It seems that everyone has a “system” these days. From Stephen R. Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” to […]

The Difference Between Systems Thinking and Linear Thinking

Some time ago, a LinkedIn article compared the similarity between Learning and Change as well as link between the business […]

The Five Qualities of Leadership

One of my favorite people to have lunch with was Sr. Gertrude Foley, a former President of the Sisters of […]

The Need for Five

Steve Jobs said a person can only hold 3 ideas in their mind at the same time. A few people […]

Quintelemental Systems

“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names” – Chinese proverb Since new knowledge requires new […]

The 5 Elements of The Wizard of Oz

About eight years ago, my daughter went to see The Wizard of Oz on stage in Pittsburgh.  She’s been a […]