The STAFF System

If you’ve been a follower of SchoolAdvancement, you know that one of its goals is to foster systems thinking as […]

AI vs. HI – Technology vs. Humanity

Artificial Intelligence.  We’ve all been experiencing for a while, but just haven’t noticed it. If you’ve enjoyed autocorrect or autocomplete […]

If Your School Participates in a “Scrip” Program, It’s Important to Know Where the Credit Goes

Many faith-based and private schools, as well as churches, parishes and community organizations, are taking advantage of “scrip” programs.  In […]

Adjust for Audience Accommodation and Alignment

Since March 2020, we’ve all felt like we’ve been living in a state of constant change.  One business leader called […]

Be Mindful of Implementing “Collections” Procedures at Your School

There is a Chinese proverb that says, “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.” During […]

Thinking Differently – About the Calendar

At the start of every new year – calendar, fiscal year, or even one’s birthday – there is a spirit […]

The Times They Are a Changin’

If you remember Bob Dylan’s famous anthem, “The Times They Are a Changin’,” take a look at his photo when […]

Apply, Enroll, Register – It’s All the Same, Right?

I guess I could just say, “Nope,” and leave it at that, since there are distinct differences between all three […]

Happy New Year!

These “Good to Know” articles are published on the first day of every month, so this one is a little […]

Backup Is a Necessity

The beginning of December is the time when goals come back into view.  Did you achieve your goals for 2022?  […]