Today’s Marketing Matter is a simple one: “Celebrate!”
This year is a unique one since Christmas falls on a Sunday. This meant that Advent was the longest it’s been in 6 years, and gave us a whole extra week to prepare after the 4th Sunday of Advent.
Next year, to compensate, the 4th Sunday of Advent will be on Sunday, December 24, 2023, meaning we’ll lose a whole week, and only have 3 full weeks to prepare our homes and hearts for Christmas! Indeed, when it seems like there’s never enough time, that will be a reality next year!
But while you’ve spent the last 4 weeks preparing, this week is also a time to prepare – for the upcoming calendar year, which is why so much “current year” catch-up activity this week can lead to starting next year already behind. When January starts, Catholic Schools Week comes up fast for Catholic schools, and many Christian schools are starting to re-enroll students. Perhaps tomorrow, before you take advantage of stocking up on gift wrap for next year, take some time to open the calendar and plot some milestones over your morning cup of coffee or tea. If you haven’t figured it out yet, marketing is a year-round activity, so while it’s important to rest, you can never stop.
There’s an adage in the sales world – “If a shark stops swimming, it dies.” Even Jesus told us to “Be alert,” since we do not know the hour of His return. As we celebrate His incarnation, let us be ever mindful that we can be called to meet Him at any point in time, so make the most of the time God has given to us…and rejoice.
May your Christmas celebrations be filled with the blessings of safety, warmth and joy, and may we all be blessed with renewed peace in 2023!
© Michael V. Ziemski, SchoolAdvancement, 2007-2022 (Original Publication Date: 20071224)